Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Elector Returns!

 It is with great delight that I can announce the elector has given order for this neglected site to be updated once more.  He has once again poured funds into the archivists coffers and they have once again begun work.

The elector has commanded that the first units to be looked at are the Munchausen-Spurhund-Jungen Grenadier Guards in their new uniforms and the Comte of Monte Christo's Marines as well as updates on the forces of the Electorate.


  1. Great news! Looking eagerly forward to enjoy the parade of the Might of Enteburg.

    Btw were not the Comte of Monte Christo's Marines planned to be eventually a Legion with dragoons ans amusettes?

  2. Hi JL

    Dragoons are a possibility, for M&R amusettes would be included as part of the parent brigade so unlikely to pain them up.

